Thursday, 18 December 2014

Emergency liver transplant- a life-saving treatment for acute liver failure

 When a liver is damaged to an extent that it fails to perform its normal functions then surgeons and doctors suggests for liver transplantation wherein the diseased liver is replaced with healthy ones. Though, liver failure can usually be managed by medication for a short while but transplantation is the only cure when it comes to long term treatment. As dialysis machine acts as a life-support treatment for kidney failure, there is no such mechanical device for liver that can replicate the functions of the liver.

 There are two main reasons that lead to liver failure; choric liver failure and acute liver failure. Chronic liver failure is one when the liver fails as a result of damage over many months or years. While in acute liver failure an extensive damage to the liver occurs over a short period of time. The main causes of chronic liver failure include alcoholic liver disease, Hepatitis C, Primary Biliary Cirrhosis, Hepatitis B, Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis, Biliary Atresia, Autoimmune Hepatitis, Liver Cancer etc. 

However, acute liver failure is less common then chronic liver failure. But that is acute liver failure only which necessitates emergency liver transplant and is also largely associated with the high mortality rate. The most common indications for liver transplantation include hepatitis C virus (30%) and alcoholic liver disease (18%). However, other indications are Idiopathic/autoimmune liver disease (12%), Primary biliary cirrhosis (10%), Primary sclerosing cholangitis (8%), Acute liver failure (7%), Hepatitis B virus (6%), Metabolic liver disease (eg, inborn errors of metabolism) (3%), Cancer (3%), and Other (3%).

Wednesday, 17 December 2014

Reliable & affordable Hepatitis C treatment available in India

Hepatitis is a contagious liver disease that in can be explained as inflammation of liver. Infectious diseases such as viral infections cause this inflammation. Though, hepatitis can also be caused by the exposure of alcohol, chemicals, certain medications, poisons and other toxins. Also, hepatitis is a name of a family of viral infections that affect the liver. Hepatitis A, Hepatitis B, and Hepatitis C are the most common types of hepatitis that may have similar symptoms but the mode of transmission of these three viruses can affect the liver differently.

Hepatitis C virus or HCV is a communicable liver disease that initiates from a mild illness lasting a few weeks and continuous to a serious, lifelong illness that attacks the liver. Primarily, HCV is spread by blood-to-blood contact of an infected person, poorly sterilized medical equipment, and transfusions. Besides, there are several other ways via which one might get infected with Hepatitis C like sharing razors, toothbrushes, through sexual transmission, tattooing or piercing, genetics connection etc. Hepatitis C can be either acute or chronic. HCV for a short period of time (say six months) but as per reports there are more people (approximately 75-85%) that are suffering with chronic stage of Hepatitis C. Hepatitis C virus infection can persist for a lifetime and can also cause crucial liver problems, including cirrhosis or liver cancer.

There are many health organizations, hospitals and health institutes that offer best ansd result-oriented Hepatitis C treatment in India. Transplant Liver India is one of such Delhi-based health center that has proven track record for successful treatment of Hepatitis C. People with acute hepatitis C infection get treated with medicine. If the blood tests and liver biopsy of a patient shows that an individual has a chronic infection but liver is not damaged then treatment is not required but treatment with medicine can fight the viral infection. 

Wednesday, 5 November 2014

CLBS- A trusted name for Liver Transplants

These days we come across cases of acute diseases every now and then. At every few instances we hear of cancer, tumour and liver failure. These diseases once were considered to be fatal do have a treatment now. Medical sciences have really made a lot of advancement and do let us know about various life saving options. These indeed are a blessing for anyone who is fighting any kind of these life taking diseases.

Such a place where you can get the best quality treatment of ailments related to liver is Centre for Liver and Bilinary sciences. They are indeed the best and the most renowned name when it comes to liver transplants. Liver can function and needs to be replaced only once it is damaged upto 80-90%. Then liver transplant is the only option left. Liver Cirrhosis treatment in India is indeed an expensive deal and one is not sure whether the quality of the work done is up to the mark or not. The treatments at CLBS are not only reliable but also offer you absolute value for money.  We cater to all the problems which one might encounter while having a diseased liver.

CLBS is known for their success rate in liver transplants. They are indeed a famous name when it comes to acute liver failure treatment. This is why CLBS enjoys the reputation of being one of the best. So in case you have a dear one who is suffering from such a problem you must get in touch with CLBs immediately.

Best Liver Transplants Surgery at CLBS

Life is really uncertain and one never really knows what is going to happen the next moment. One is never really aware of what will happen to them as there is no certainty about one’s well being. That is why in today’s time it is essential that one opts for good quality medical care as you never know what the next moment holds for you. Often it so happens that we are confident that nothing can happen to us but a medical adversity can strike you at any point of time.

These days a very common disease which has taken a high toll on people is liver damage. There are numerous reasons which cause the liver damage. One out of the many reasons is alcohol, lifestyle and many more. Owing to the advances medical science has made it is now possible to get the liver transplant done. But you need to be sure that the place from where you are getting your transplant done is absolutely authentic. 

Such a renowned and trusted name for liver transplant for alcoholics in India is Centre for Liver and Biliary Sciences. You can get all kinds of liver transplants done there. Be it Liver transplant for cancer patients or liver transplants for alcoholics we have a solution for it. Not only our team of specialist is extraordinary but also they have a wide range of experience which makes them stand class apart. So whenever you need a trusted name for liver transplant you don’t have to look beyond CLBS. 

Wednesday, 15 October 2014

Best Liver Transplant Surgery Hospital in India

Liver transplantation is no doubt one daunting surgical process, which demands ample medical intervention and expert discretion. The Centre for liver and Biliary Sciences has been proving its brilliance no matter how grave the situation is or how challenging the surgical procedure is or will be, the team of excellent medical professionals are day in day out rendering commendable service to treat diseased livers and replacing them with living or deceased donor liver. The quality of liver transplantation is in no way dependent upon cost rather compassion and determination is what contributing to its unfathomable reputation making it the best hospital for liver transplant in India.

Under the careful leadership of Dr. Subhash Gupta there is not a single sampling, which can blemish their long drawn standing. Rather gradually, it is growing and becoming a hot spot for liver patients who want to have their liver operation conducted on economic budget.

Their intensive care and use of high tech innovative gadgets make sure that their remains no hitch when the operation is carried out. They progress systematically where they initially have an interview, diagnose the problem and thereby suggest treatment. Their multi disciplinary testing is bound to offer authentic test results, their pre and post evaluation is what makes them the best liver transplant hospital in India.

Best Combined Liver Kidney Transplant operation in India

No doubt challenging, no doubt critical Combined liver kidney transplant is one surgical procedure that is deemed intricate of all. The Centre for liver and Biliary Sciences is providing medical solutions of varying nature. The surprising fact about them is the expense charged here is astonishingly minimum than those where the similar task is conducted under similar supervision.

Deceased (Cadaver) Donor Transplant has been an accepted way of liver transplantation from the very initiation soon a dearth of organs was found and patients who lack living donor have to suffer in the waiting list for having a Cadaveric liver transplant conducted. However, this Delhi based hospital takes the initiative in finding one Cadaver liver to have the surgery as early as possible. When they are trusted, they never let their patients down. Their dedication to build a healthy human race makes them alert and conscious of the service they are providing.

Their inquisitive nature makes them vigilant to the technical inventions happening around and they make every effort to include whatever innovative they found to make their surgical procedure highly efficient and beneficial in nature.They have special provisions for their international patients and they are also offering fellowship who those ardently searching an opportunity to join their team